ifm::CaptionButton | |
ifm::Color | Gui toolkit independant representation of a color |
ifm::Component | Base class for all components in IFM |
ifm::ComponentFactory | Constructs component instances |
ifm::Container | A Container is a Component that contains other Components as children |
ifm::ContainerFactory | Constructs Container instances |
ifm::DefaultDockManager | Implements the default docking behavior |
ifm::DefaultTheme | The default theme implementation |
ifm::DefaultTheme::FontData | |
ifm::DeviceContextAdapter | The gui toolkit independant interface for device contexts and painting operations |
ifm::Dimensions | |
ifm::DockManager | Defines the basic interface for DockManagers |
ifm::DockTarget | |
ifm::InterfaceManager | Manages docking for a Window |
ifm::layout::Component | Base object for constructing Layouts |
ifm::layout::Component::ComponentData | |
ifm::layout::Container | Layout object representing a Container |
ifm::layout::Container::ContainerData | |
ifm::layout::Layout | Represents an interface Layout |
ifm::layout::Layout::LayoutData | |
ifm::layout::Panel | Layout object representing a Panel |
ifm::layout::Panel::PanelData | |
ifm::layout::TabbedContainer | Layout object representing a TabbedContainer |
ifm::layout::TabbedContainer::TabbedContainerData | |
ifm::MouseEventData | |
ifm::Panel | A Panel is a component which contains a child Widget |
ifm::PanelFactory | Constructs Panel instances |
ifm::Point | Gui toolkit independant representation of a point |
ifm::Pointer< T > | |
ifm::Rect | Gui toolkit independant representation of rect |
ifm::Renderer | Renders components |
ifm::Sash | |
ifm::Size | Gui toolkit independant representation of a size |
ifm::Tab | |
ifm::TabbedContainer | A TabbedContainer displays its children by creating a tab for each child allowing the user to select one tab at a time |
ifm::TabbedContainerFactory | Constructs TabbedContainer instances |
ifm::Theme | Represents a color theme for rendering interface |
ifm::WidgetAdapter | The gui toolkit independant interface for widgets |
ifm::wx::CustomPanel | The native widget which represents components for wxWidgets |
ifm::wx::EventListener | Listens for events from the Managed Window |
ifm::wx::GuiData | Associates wxWidgets specific data with the InterfaceManager instance |
ifm::wx::Menu |